


8:00 AM - 6:00 AM

7:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Perfect for those who want to make the most out of their staycation, a full day access to our amenities.


  • Free Wifi
  • 1 Adult Party Pool (3-5 ft.)
  • 2 Kiddie Pool (1 ft & 2 ft)
  • 1 Mini Warm Pool
  • 1 Big Cottage
  • Smart TV (Netflix/Karaoke/Spotify)
  • 3 Umbrella Cottages
  • 2 Restroom/Shower Room
  • 1 Kitchen
  • Free use of stove
  • Free use of Griller w/ Charcoal
  • Water Dispenser (Free Refill)
  • Rooms: 22 hours 2 Rooms Included
Terms and conditions:
  • No pencil booking
  • Non refundable
